Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hai evry1,

As the title goes, i 'm really adapting to my new life here. But here I have to dress-up for work, meaning I have to put on my make-up, goes evrywhere with my handbag, that is the only way to differentiate us from he students. Gone were the days where we only carry our purse or pouch during lunch or anywhere. i'm lucky that delinn is here so we can do things together like lunch, library or the only best thing around here to shop at Varsity Mall.(mind you, only delinn & I are the only lecturer who frequent the place).I was advised by my 'penyelaras kursus' to began studying ASAP. This really put some pressure on me. That is why, I'm here in the office today even thouh today is a holiday(maal hijrah).

Well got to start finding for the universities now!!! TADA

1 comment:

Azah Yahya said...

I think you meant the public holiday is isra' mikraj. (it is rejab, macam mana pulak ma'al hijrah..) Oh, I forgot - being the tutor that you are, you are testing us, right?