Today is the last day of Ramadhan. While people should be busy doing the cooking and everything else, I locked myself in my room since morning to do my assignment. The best part is it doesn't work. Come end of the day, my assignment is as it was before. My heart is already in the Eid mood. 2 assignments due Monday, what a torture. Our friends will be coming after maghrib for Takbir in my house, and my poor husband is alone in the kitchen doing the cooking. But I plan to cook 'sambal goreng' and pumkin pie late tonight. What a combination for a raya feast.
To all of you Happy Eid Mubarak from all of us here.......sob..sob...
selamat hari raya kak ct
amboiii pumpkin pie heheeh
takpa, abang am ok je tu memasak. kim salam semua.
I pun nak nangis jugak - sebab I love autumn. More gambar please.
Anyway, takyah nangis - raya tiap2 tahun ada. If not this year, maybe 4? 5? years from now we'll celebrate raya together. And after all you are with the loved ones. Happy studying.
Yeah Delinn.. pumpkin pie? Best nye autumn..
Did you carve the pumpkin afterwards? (Yes I know it's not Halloween)
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