Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mingle Party

Today , I was cordially invited for a 'sushi & beer party'. I was obliged to go as its an invitation for all the PhD students, faculty members. Luckily I have an indonesian friend who is a 2nd year student. Imagine , going to a party( at the house of the program chair- which i fall in love with) and we cannot touch any food. Oops, I fell in love with his house, not him, mind you( his old anyway like in the michael douglas era, no worries there).

Actually, I was tring to make up excuses for not coming to the party but luckily I went cos, I got to meet all the new students. For Management, They only took 4 PhD students this year. Imagine that!!

Instead of studying today, I took the girls to the public library. It was awesome. You can borrow unlimited books. Any the collection of storybooks for us was awesome(i borrowed 3 books) don't know when I can read it.

For your Info, The Library in SIU is one of the biggest library in the US. They have loads of books. It is a 5 storey complex and only books for the last 5 years are kept here. The balance are in another location where you can request for them at any time. The libary system is so advanced, I hope that by the time I returned to Malaysia, the system will be compatible.


Azah Yahya said...

First, saya suka background blog ni; sweet.

I suppose Msians are like that kot. The first time I was invited to a party I thought like what would I wear? What would I talk about? I dont have anything in common with anyone.. blah.. blah.. But sure after that we were glad we made the effort.

Love the library at my old univ also; the building is old. There is area to watch movies; sofa like recliners you can lie on while reading and the sensor at the entry would beep if you think you want to try to sneak a book or two.

MEET said...

right azah,
There are rocking chairs at the library where you can read or rock yourself to sleep. There's sofas with ottoman for you to put feet up. those are sleeping spots for me.